
Sound Journey
with the Crystal bowls
Sound healing/journey/therapy is an ancient practice for wellness, self care and meditation. A sound journey involves getting comfortable and cosy and relaxing into the sounds and vibrations made by the Quartz crystal Sound bowls and other instruments.
These vibrations can help bring us back into balance and alignment.
I offer these as stand alone sessions or as part of my retreat days. I am also able to offer this as part of a collaboration (if you are interested please send me an email).
Sound healing has a couple of contraindications – those who are in the first trimester of pregnancy, any internal metal work, or active mental health issues, are all advised to seek medical guidance before attending a sound healing session. If you are unsure please contact me to discuss in confidence.

Earth Circles
These sessions are about reconnecting to yourself whilst with a group of likeminded individuals. My aim for these sessions is to provide space where you feel nurtured and nourished.
Divinely guided with nature as our inspiration, we will connect around a fire (weather dependant). Sessions will often include a guided meditation; use of healing energy i.e. Reiki or Dea Healing (using Goddess energy and Sirius Star energy for healing); Oracle card reading; time for reflection/journaling/creativity; a hot drink and sweet treat to help ground us after the session.
These sessions are held outside in a woodland near Dorchester, Dorset or indoors if weather proves too extreme. Sessions run for 2 hours approximately.
Want to make a private group booking, lets chat.
I want my healing to be accessible financially, please reach out if funds are a barrier.
From £35
(discount available if booking more than one Circle in advance)

Reiki Healing
Reiki is a hands off or light touch energy healing practice. This treatment is open to all, regardless of faith, gender or beliefs; it supports healing at a spiritual, physical, emotional and energetic level.
The initial session will include a consultation to discuss any relevant medical history and aims of treatment. There are currently no contraindications for Reiki healing, however this should not replace traditional medical support.
Initial consultation appointment lasts 90 mins. Subsequent treatment sessions are 1 hour.
I want my healing to be accessible financially, please reach out if funds are a barrier.
Initial consultation – £45
Follow up sessions – £35

Events / Retreats
Think Earth Circles as above but a whole day of magic, healing and self care. Now with added Sound Healing!
These events will usually be themed around a specific day in the wheel of the year – Spring equinox, Beltane (May Day), Summer Solstice etc. Or if I feel divinely guided to offer a day event.
I will also be attending local ‘pop up’ events where I will be offering my healing energy and crystal sets. Keep an eye on my Instagram page or sign up to my newsletter to be kept informed.
I want my healing to be accessible financially, please reach out if funds are a barrier.